The Mawayana people live among the Wai Wai within the Nhamunda-Mapura indigenous reservation — located around the tri-state border of Para, Amazonas, and Roraima. The area encompasses more than ten ethnicities such as the Hixkaryana, Karapawyana, Katuenayana, Xerewyana, Wai Wai, Wapixana, Parukoto, Taruma, Txikyana, Makuxi, Tiriyo, Atroari and Mawayana. They still speak the Mawayana language, from the Arawakan linguistic branch. Surprisingly, they did not completely assimilate into the Wai Wai lifestyle; however, they kept their mores, rituals, and language among the other ethnicities from that region. They are well-known for planting food, being good hunters, and producing handicrafts. In addition, they are renowned both for being brave and seeking other isolated people.